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Topics For A Senior Research Paper
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
A Letter from Buddha to his Disciple
You have approached of me for help in how to mend your dad of his disorder. I welcome that your dad is a decent and exemplary man and you are honored to have had a decent man for a dad. In any case, I can't remove his torment. That is something that nobody can truly accomplish for if there is whatever is consistent in each individual's life, it is languishing. Life is languishing. That is one of the respectable facts. Get familiar with this and it can simply be the very thing that would present to you, your family, and even your dad enlightenment.Also recall that divination and supernatural occurrences guaranteed by performers will do you no decent for it is against the Laws of Karma and can just bring hurt. I have seen the misery and grotesqueness brought about by ailment and the trouble brought about by man's mortality. (Moore-Brooder, 2005, p. 499) Truly in the event that one would contrast the existence I drove and my family one would state I am genuinely preferred by the divine beings. At the point when I was youthful I carried on with a real existence loaded with joys and common indecencies. Yet, it tends to be a Catch 22 on how one's gifts are characterized by torment and suffering.It was simply in the wake of demonstrating the veracity of the numerous occasions and types of anguish, that I looked for satisfaction of my reality and at last, illumination. Man's life is inadequate without torment. Indeed, even from the hour of birth both mother and kid experience torment. In any case, when one has risen above torment, he turns into a renewed person and subsequently, reawakened. I give you my account of the mother Gotami-tissa whose child surrendered to sickness. (Morgan, 1956, p. 23) She went from entryway to entryway looking for a supernatural occurrence that would bring back her child's life consistently being informed that something like this was impossible.She came to me for help, wringing her hands and prostrating herself with the goal that I may brea th life into her child back. I approached her for mustard seeds. Any normal mustard seed, however she should gather seeds that originated from homes that stayed immaculate by sorrow and passing. Later on she returned to me and admitted that she couldn't get any seed for all the homes she visited have encountered passing. Demise isn't a condition exceptional to only one individual. It is unavoidable and steady. By getting this, she was relieved of her anguish and has had the option to keep living as another woman.In my lessons I have persistently referenced man's mortality, his temporariness. Not one thing in existence is changeless other than death. Its covertness is unbelievable and one never truly knows when it will come. I encourage you my child, to rehearse dharma all together that your life might be satisfied and shielded from terrible karma. For on the off chance that you do no off-base, for what reason ought to there be results? Today we see numerous individuals doing all tha t they can to achieve their desire. Some may maybe reason out â€Å"it isn't so wrong†however, in the event that one might want to live in favor of right, one needs to pick certainly between right or wrong without compromise.Live in opportunity and self-authority to completely appreciate the blessing such is reality. Awful things are consistent. Enduring is steady. The main thing you can truly control and addition dominance of is yourself. Figure out how to take the center way in life for it is the best approach to satisfaction. Realize that an existence of limits is terrible and will at last bring additionally languishing. I urge you to figure out how to search inside yourself and build up a comprehension and acknowledgment of what goes on around you. Expecting to transform others can now and again be a vain practice.I myself can instruct what I have realized and woken up to acknowledge, yet obvious edification can just originate from inside an individual himself. Some may maybe say, I will look for illumination later or I have attempted to comprehend life previously however fizzled. Be that as it may, past disappointment is past and what's to come is unsure from multiple points of view. For sure, it can happen that tomorrow or later in the day might be all of what survives from what's to come. Look for edification now, and love the occasion. So when passing comes, you don't lament nor do you have dread of the following life for you bite the dust with information on having lived a decent life, yet an exemplary one.†Buddha References Morgan, K. W. (Ed. ). (1956). The Path of the Buddha Buddhism Interpreted by Buddhists. New York: Ronald Press. Recovered September 23, 2007, from Questia database: http://www. questia. com/PM. qst? a=o&d=5883323 Moore-Bruder. (2005). Reasoning: The Power of Ideas, Sixth Edition Ohio: McGraw-Hill Carrithers, M. (2001). The Buddha: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press. Recovered Septe mber 23, 2007, from Questia database: http://www. questia. com/PM. qst? a=o&d=101647070
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Langston Hughes Essays (843 words) - Harlem Renaissance, Jazz Poetry
Langston Hughes Langston Hughes was conceived in Joplin, Missouri into an abolitionist family. He was the grandson of Charles Henry Langston. His sibling was John Mercer Langston, who was the principal Black American to be chosen for open office in 1855. Hughes went to Central High School in Cleveland, Ohio, yet started composing verse in the eighth grade, and was chosen as Class Poet. His dad didn't figure he would have the option to get by as an essayist. His dad paid his educational cost to Columbia University for him to examine designing. Before long, Langston dropped out of the program with a B+ normal, at the same time he kept composing verse. His originally distributed sonnet was likewise one of his generally well known, The Negro Speaks of Rivers, and it showed up in Brownie's Book. Afterward, his sonnets, short plays, papers, and short stories showed up in the NAACP distribution Crisis Magazine and in Opportunity Magazine and different distributions. Perhaps the best articles showed up in the Nation in 1926, entitled The Negro Artist and the Racial Mountain. It discussed Black authors and artists, who might give up racial pride for the sake of a bogus joining, where a skilled Black essayist would like to be viewed as a writer, not a Black artist, which to Hughes implied he subliminally needed to compose like a white artist. Hughes contended, no extraordinary writer has ever been anxious about acting naturally'. He wrote in this article, We more youthful Negro specialists currently expect to communicate our individual darker looking selves without dread or disgrace. On the off chance that white individuals are satisfied we are happy. On the off chance that they aren't, it doesn't make a difference. We realize we are lovely. Also, terrible as well... Whenever minorities individuals are satisfied we are happy. On the off chance that they are not, their disappointment doesn't make a difference either. We assemble our sanctuaries for tomorrow, as solid as we probably am aware how and we remain on the highest point of the mountain, free inside ourselves. In 1923, Hughes voyaged abroad on a vessel to the Senegal, Nigeria, the Cameroons, Belgium Congo, Angola, and Guinea in Africa, and later to Italy and France, Russia and Spain. One of his preferred distractions whether abroad or in Washington, D.C. or on the other hand Harlem, New York was sitting in the clubs tuning in to blues, jazz and composing verse. Through these encounters another beat developed in his composition, and a progression of sonnets, for example, The Weary Blues were written. He came back to Harlem, in 1924, the period known as the Harlem Renaissance. During this period, his work was much of the time distributed and his composing thrived. In 1925 he moved to Washington, D.C., as yet investing more energy in blues and jazz clubs. He stated, I attempted to compose sonnets like the tunes they sang on Seventh Street...(these tunes) had the heartbeat beat of the individuals who continue going. At this equivalent time, Hughes acknowledged a vocation with Dr. Carter G. Woo dson, manager of the Journal of Negro Life and History and originator of Black History Week in 1926. He came back to his adored Harlem soon thereafter. Langston Hughes got a grant to Lincoln University, in Pennsylvania, where he got his B.A. degree in 1929. In 1943, he was granted a privileged Litt.D by his place of graduation; a Guggenheim Fellowship in 1935 and a Rosenwald Fellowship in 1940. In view of a discussion with a man he knew in a Harlem bar, he made a character know as My Simple Minded Friend in a progression of papers as an exchange. In 1950, he named this adorable character Jess B. Basic, and wrote a progression of books on him. Langston Hughes was a productive author. In the forty-odd years between his first book in 1926 and his demise in 1967, he dedicated his life to composing and addressing. He composed sixteen books of sonnets, two books, three assortments of short stories, four volumes of publication and narrative fiction, twenty plays, youngsters' verse, musicals and dramas, three life accounts, twelve radio and TV contents and many magazine articles. Also, he altered seven collections. The long and recognized rundown of Hughes' works incorporates: Not Without Laughter (1930); The Big Sea (1940); I Wonder As I Wander (1956), his collections of memoirs. His assortments of
Friday, August 7, 2020
Goal Setting and Social Anxiety Disorder
Goal Setting and Social Anxiety Disorder Social Anxiety Disorder Coping Print Goal Setting and Social Anxiety Disorder By Arlin Cuncic Arlin Cuncic, MA, is the author of Therapy in Focus: What to Expect from CBT for Social Anxiety Disorder and 7 Weeks to Reduce Anxiety. Learn about our editorial policy Arlin Cuncic Updated on June 24, 2019 Social Anxiety Disorder Overview Symptoms & Diagnosis Causes Treatment Living With In Children Dan Dalton / Getty Images Goal setting can be helpful in overcoming some aspects of social anxiety disorder (SAD). Below are some tips to help you set and achieve goals in relation to your SAD. Tools for Goal Setting If one of your goals is to work on your social anxiety, you may find the following website useful. Psychology Tools includes a variety of free downloadable resources for a variety of psychological disorders including SAD. You will find the following on the website: Assessments for SADSAD Treatment manualsResearch studies on SADInformation sheets about SADWorksheets for SADSelf-help programs for SAD Whether you are looking for self-help tools to work on social anxiety on your own, currently receiving therapy and looking for additional resources or you are a professional looking to share your own worksheets, the website may be a valuable resource. The Best Types of Goals An acronym often used in relation to goal setting is S.M.A.R.T. S.M.A.R.T. stands for: SpecificMeasurableAttainableRealisticTimely For example, you might choose a goal to make five new friends this year. Your goal is specific (5 friends), measurable (whether or not you meet this target), attainable (if you work hard at meeting new people), realistic (many people have at least 5 friends) and timely (to be achieved in the next 12 months). An example of an unrealistic goal would be to never feel anxiety in social and performance situations. Such black and white thinking sets you up for failure, as you will probably always feel some anxiety in those situations. Here are some great steps to set your goals. 1. Identify your goals What would you like to change with respect to your social anxiety? Choose short, medium, and long-term goals in areas such as: Making new friendsGetting a jobBecoming physically healthy Be careful not to let your anxiety get in the way of choosing goals. Identify goals without any regard for how anxious they might make you feel. Be sure to also write down your goals to make sure you stick to them. 2. Break goals into chunks For example, if your goal is to make one phone call each day, start by choosing who you will call and make sure that you have the right phone number. 3. Identify obstacles What might get in the way of you making 5 new friends? Identify those challenges and find ways to work around them. Join a club or take lessons of some sort to meet people if you dont cross paths with others often. 4. Schedule goals Plan a regular time that you will work toward your goal. In the example of making 5 new friends, schedule regular activities that will put you into contact with prospective buddies. For example, you could visit the gym at the same time each week in the hopes that you may run into the same people each time. 5. Complete your goal You may need to write down the exact steps you will take to achieve your goal. For the new friends example, this might mean writing down steps such as conversation starters, how to keep the conversation going, etc. Motivation to Achieve Goals Having goals to work on your social anxiety wont do much if you are still lacking motivation. Be sure to identify obstacles that prevent you from becoming motivated, such as believing things will never change, and challenge these roadblocks. Reward or Revise If you have succeeded at your goals, reward yourself. If not, then revise to make success more likely the next time around.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Frailty A Condition of the Elderly - 1460 Words
Frailty Introduction ‘Frailty thy name is woman emotionally refers to his mother Hamlet (Act 1, Scene 2). While the term â€Å"frailty†has been around for a while, the use of it in a medical literature has only been evolving in the past 30 years. However, condition with similar meaning, was described back in 1914 in a publication â€Å"The Diseases of Old Age and their Treatment†(Nascher, 1914). In this publication Nascher describes a condition of his elderly patients as â€Å"senile disability†or â€Å"senile cachexia†manifesting in general physical weakness and mental impairments as a result of the aging process. Later, several authors use term â€Å"Failure to Thrive†while describing a multifactorial state of decline in elderly (Kimball et al., 1995; Robertson et al., 2004; Sarkisian et al., 1996). The search term â€Å"frail elderly†in generated 8384 results indicating great interest by clinicians and researchers in this topic. However , despite the interest there is considerable uncertainty regarding the concept and definition of frailty (Bergman et al., 2007). Frailty is â€Å"one of those complex terms – like independence, life satisfaction, and continuity – that trouble gerontologists with multiple and slippery meanings†(Kaufman, 1994). Since there is no one accepted operational definition of frailty, it is impossible to enumerate frail persons in the population. Therefore, prevalence of frailty varies widely depending on its definitions and patient selection. One EuropeanShow MoreRelatedEssay On Msk790 Words  | 4 Pagesosteoporosis, and musculoskeletal pain as neck pain or low back pain–have significantly affected both on aging’s health and individual’s cost of care9,10,75. Additionally, MSK is the pivotal key of increasing yearly living disability (YLDs) in the elderly population9,75. The existing evidence discovered that MSK generates disability-adjusted life years (DALYs), which it has accumulated increasing globally approximately 19.9 percent change, number of DALYs during 2005-201576. In developing country,Read MoreThe Treatment Of Muscle Mass Essay1569 Words  | 7 PagesSarcopenia is considered one of the geriatric syndromes because its prevalence in older populations (Chien, et al 2008). Sarcopenia leads to functional disabilities, decrease mobility, falls, and fractures, which lead to the loss of independence, frailty, and also increased risk of mortality (Freiberger et al., 2011). There are no effective treatments for sarcopenia yet. 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This process is known as senescence, the decline in body functioning associated with aging (Papalia, Feldman, Martorell, 2012, p. 501). Senescence then brings the idea of what is like to be old. Body systems start to decline in functioning ability under levels of stress, for with age... many older people cannot respond to extra physical demands (Papalia, Feldman, Martorell, 2012, p. 506). Frailty and weakness in the bones and musclesRead MoreWhat Is The Model Of A Log-Logistic Model1515 Words  | 7 Pagesselection criteria. \item Variables with very large negative numbers, such as Primary reason for assessment\footnote{Variable is coded iA8.} result in very low odds of survival. \item Consequently, there were 25 variables selected for construction of frailty index in this group. \item The variable End-Stage disease in patients who completed a home care assessment seems to partition the group into several different subgroups. Notable interactions take place between this variable and ADL self performance-Read MoreIncreasing Population Of Older People Essay1600 Words  | 7 Pagesfunctional ability (Gopinath B, Russell J, Flood VM, Burlutsky G, Mitchell P, 2014). Elderly with poor overall diet quality are likely to have suboptimal levels of nutrition biomarkers; this could negatively affect quality of life and functional independence (Gopinath B, Russell J, Flood VM, Burlutsky G, Mitchell P, 2014). Epidemiologic studies commonly have demonstrated nutritional deficits in 10-20 % of elderly people living at home and up to 60% in persons living in institutions in parallel withRead MoreThe Treatment Of Muscle Mass Essay1935 Words  | 8 PagesSarcopenia is considered one of the geriatric syndromes because its prevalence in older populations (Chien, et al 2008). 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
A report on cultural audit of Mott Macdonald Group Limited Free Essays
string(45) " both the employees and MottMacdonald group\." A study on cultural audit of img alt="D:FINCAOther data and formatsPersonalAssignmrntsMottMac.jpg" src="https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.div class="phdessay__article-cta" We will write a custom essay sample on A report on cultural audit of Mott Macdonald Group Limited or any similar topic only for you Order Now com/aaimagestore/essays/1762371.001.jpg"/ Presented by: Presented to: Date: Contentss 1.Organizational civilization defined 1.1.Cultural Audit and its importance 2.Methodology for cultural Audit 3.Findings 3.1.Weak apprehension of organisational strategic aims 3.2.Evaluations non used at policy doing degree 4.Conclusion 5.Recommendation 6.Appendices 6.1.Vision A ; Mission 6.2.Strategic planning A ; rating 6.3.Community engagement 6.4.Marketing 6.5.Financial planning, Monitoring A ; coverage 6.6.Governance 6.7.Management 6.8.Human resources 1. Organizational civilization defined Organizational civilization plays a critical function in determining behaviour in organisations, there is little agreement on what organisational civilization really is, ne’er mind how it affects behavior and whether it is something leaders can alter. Without recognizing a proper definition for organisational civilization, links to other elements of concern with organisational civilization can non be understood. There is no unambiguous compact on the definition of organisational civilization but it is normally interpreted as â€Å"the manner we do things around here†( Lilley, 2014 ) . Professor Gerry Johnson, writer of the cultural web, refers to organisational civilization as â€Å"the taken for-granted premises and behaviours that make sense of people’s organisational context and hence contributes to how groups of people respond and act in relation to issues they face†. He goes on to state that, as a consequence, civilization has of import influences on the development and alteration of organisational scheme. In other words, civilization binds scheme to outcomes British anthropologist Edward Tyler ( Tharp, 2012 ) is widely credited with the first ( 1871 ) â€Å"modern†definition of civilization: â€Å"that complex whole which includes cognition, belief, humanistic disciplines, ethical motives, jurisprudence, usage, and any other capablenesss and wonts acquired by adult male as a member of society. Similarly, in May 1, 2013, Michael Watkins ( Watkins, 2013 ) , Co-founder of Genesis advisors, started a treatment on LinkedIn raising a inquiry to specify organisational civilization. More than 300 responses were received including varied position and sentiments on organisational civilization. After reexamining the responses, Watkins concluded that organisational civilizations are dynamic. They shift, incrementally and invariably, in response to external and internal alterations. So, seeking to measure organisational civilization is complicated by the world that you are seeking to hit a traveling mark. But it besides opens the possibility that civilization alteration can be managed as a uninterrupted procedure instead than through large displacements ( frequently in response to crises ) . Finally, a definition by Edgar Schein ( Tharp, 2013 ) of MIT’s Sloan School of Management though general but seems appropriate that organisational civilization is â€Å"a form of shared basic premises that the group learned as it solved its jobs of external version and internal integrating, that has worked good plenty to be considered valid and, hence, to be taught to new members as the right manner to comprehend, believe, and experience in relation to those jobs†1.1. Cultural Audit and its importance Cultural audit can be explained as independent scrutiny of overall values and beliefs on which an organisation is runing. A civilization audit helps find the civilization that presently exists within a company. An effectual workplace civilization audit determines the overall working environment, identifies the unwritten norms and regulations regulating employee interactions and workplace patterns, high spots possible barriers to effectual work patterns and communicating and makes recommendations for turn toing jobs identified. Not merely willit aid retain top performing artists, it provides a design of what attributes to look for in appliers. Culture Audit has become of import after recent dirts in different corporate sector companies. On June 2014, Chartered institute of internal hearers published a study â€Å"Culture and function of internal audit†, in the executive sum-up of the study, Roy Lilley, wellness author and observer mentioned the organisational civilization as affair of public concern. He mentioned the hapless organisational civilization as the root cause of dirts in wellness, fiscal and nutrient sectors among others which have been at a great cost to persons, organisations and states every bit good. He stressed that Board and internal audit would necessitate to concentrate on the hazards that civilization nowadayss. 2. Methodology for cultural Audit The supreme method for carry oning a civilization audit is the desquamation of an executive squad and organisational development research worker. This theoretical account was presented by Mark R. Testa and Lori J. Sipe from San Diego State University, San Diego, USA in their article published in unfastened diary of leading ( Testa, 2013 ) . The singularity of the proposed theoretical account is the ability to associate theory and pattern in a really experiential manner. While the executive squad can prosecute in much of the informations aggregation, the research worker can steer their attempts, minimise prejudice and guarantee the generated consequences are valid. A five-step theoretical account was developed for execution of the civilization audit with this executive team-researcher tandem in head. These stairss include: Designation of the organization’s vision, mission, values, and strategic ends ; A brief narrative on the coveted civilization ; Choice of the audit squad ; Data aggregation ; Interpretation and coverage Questionnaire was used for understanding the civilization of MottMacdonald group. Questions were prepared as per the guidelines provided by the Mass cultural council ( Council, 2012 ) for appraisal of organisational civilization. Following major cultural countries of MottMacdonald were identified and reviewed as portion of cultural audit. Mission and vision Strategic planning A ; rating Community engagement Public dealingss Selling Fiscal planning, monitoring and coverage Administration Management Human Resources 3. Findingss Based on the consequences of study, few deficits were observed in organisational civilization of MottMacdonald Group Limited. However, these observations are non of the serious nature which can adversely impact the image and good will of the group but these demands to be considered carefully by the direction of MottMacdonald group. Detailed study questionnaire along with aggregative responses have been given in appendices 6.1 to 6.8 below. The observations which need direction attending are as below ; 3.1. Weak apprehension of organisational strategic aims Although, the staff at higher degree places was good cognizant of the organisational aims and ends, but our study revealed that these ends and aims were non clearly communicated to staff at lower degree, resultantly, input taken by these staff in puting strategic aim would non be much beneficial for both the employees and MottMacdonald group. You read "A report on cultural audit of Mott Macdonald Group Limited" in category "Essay examples" 3.2. Evaluations non used at policy doing degree It was observed that ratings for effectual planning have been conducted by the MottMacdonald group but these were non used when doing policies. A reappraisal of few policies of the group and consequences of the study conducted by the cultural audit squad revealed the fact that rating consequences were non used in policy and scheme devising. 4. Decision Based on the consequences of study and reappraisal of policies and fiscal statements of MottMacdonald group limited, the overall organisational civilization of the group is rated asâ€Å"GOOD with Risk degree at LOW†However, the direction needs to clearly reexamine the consequences of the study conducted by cultural audit squad in order to input the responses of employees to be used for scheme devising and planning intents. 5. Recommendation Cultural audit squad urge the direction to reexamine the preparation policies and a clear system of communicating should be introduced in such a manner that employees at lowest degree should understand the aim and ends of the group. Employees at each degree of hierarchy are of import for the organisation and they are the primary trade name embassador of the group hence, they must clearly be known the ends and aims of the group. 6. Appendixs 6.1. Vision A ; Mission Question Strongly hold Agree Disagree Strongly differ Mission statement is clear, concise and best shows the ground for being of MottMacdonald v Vision statement is so persuasive that it clearly depicts the dreams of MottMacdonald yet to be accomplished v A proper system is in topographic point to track achievements with regard to mission and vision v All the staff including top direction are really clear about mission and vision of MottMacdonald v Directors and Board members are good able to show mission and vision of the group v 6.2. Strategic planning A ; rating Question Strongly hold Agree Disagree Strongly differ A chiseled strategic program tied to mission and vision is in topographic point v A formal strategic program is being prepared after regular intervals affecting both board and staff v A formal system of reappraisal is in topographic point for strategic program is in topographic point to get by the changing fortunes v Strategic ends and aims are set in a manner that they are accomplishable and mensurable with clip frames v A SWOT analysis is being on a regular basis conducted to see the bing place of MottMacdonald v It is ensured that short term operational programs are linked with strategic program and aims and MottMacdonald v Strategic ends and aims are understood throughout the organisation. v A system of regular rating is in topographic point for every operation and plan v Evaluations are being used in every phase and type of planning v A system dwelling of appropriate quantitative and qualitative informations aggregation techniques like observation, interviews, written studies, focal point group etc. , is in topographic point to mensurate impact of plans v 6.3. Community engagement Question Strongly hold Agree Disagree Strongly differ MottMacdonalds clearly understands the impact of different stakeholders’ perceptual experiences and experiences along with any barriers they encounter and this is used for planning intents v Schemes are in topographic point to actuate current participants’ to increase the degree of engagement and chances are provided to take more involved function in the MottMacdonald v Motivating schemes and programs exists to pull farther people to take part in scheme devising v Schemes are made to make perspective audience including multi-cultural audiences, immature blood and seniors v Potential and prospective mark audience have been identifies maintaining in position the current resources and other restrictions v Resources have been prioritized based on demands and diverseness of audience v It is clear and understood committedness to include all degree of audience in the community v MottMacdonald is holding a scheme to organize partnership at all degrees to increase engagement in its plans v Surveies, focal point groups and interviews and other rating tools are being used to acquire input from mark community v A program is in topographic point to get by with all the barriers including cultural, economic, chance and tome restraints and to take the barriers for mark audiences v Changing demographics and concentrate demands of audiences are being considered on a regular basis and scheme shapers are good informed about the changing demands v 6.4. Selling Question Strongly hold Agree Disagree Strongly differ A well drafted and written one-year selling program is in topographic point which has been made in audience with other sections v A database has been maintained to track ex-clients, prospective clients and forms of client purchasing v Actual gross revenues are being monitored and compared with the selling events and tendencies v Database of mailing and contact list is updated on a regular basis v MottMacdonald is good cognizant of its current strategic place in the market and place and tendencies of full market v Selling stuffs are good drafted, good designed and aim oriented to specific mark audience v Selling stuffs are produced for specific audience maintaining in position their cultural norms v Web site and electronic mailing lists are efficaciously used as selling tools v A suited sum has been budgeted for selling v Marketing section is good staffed and appropriate mix of qualified and experient staff is in posted in it v Marketing staff is motivated and a clear coordination and good working relationships exist within them v Short and long term income ends are being set and monitored on a regular basis and progress towards accomplishment is being measured continuously v Specific demands of mark audiences are being targeted to acquire lucifer of demands with the services v 6.5. Financial planning, Monitoring A ; coverage Question Strongly hold Agree Disagree Strongly differ Appropriate accounting policies as per the by and large accepted accounting rules are being used while describing v Fiscal statements including Statement of fiscal place and income statement are on a regular basis prepared v Annual operating budget is prepared including all expected grosss and expected disbursals aligned with the schemes v Appropriate accounting package is used for clerking and fiscal coverage v Periodic reappraisal of income and disbursals is being conducted in the signifier of monthly or quarterly fiscal statements and mid-course accommodations v Cash flows place is being monitored and maintained aligned with the projection of hard currency v All hard currency histories are reconciled monthly. v Histories receivable are being monitored and a system of effectual and timely recovery is in topographic point v Authority wise fiscal bounds have been assigned at each and every degree and signers are clear about their bounds v Internal controls and conformity policies are good drafted and documented and communicated at each and every degree v Inventory direction system is good equipped to get by with the menace of larceny and abuse of stock list v Applicable Torahs and ordinances are being adhered when fixing paysheet of employees v Employees are employed maintaining in position all the relevant Torahs and regulating rules and record maintaining is maintained as per the local and international record maintaining guidelines v All the statutory demands of filing of statutory returns, tax write-off from rewards and all applicable revenue enhancements are being adhered as per the applicable jurisprudence v Fiscal statements are being prepared by certified and qualified professional comptrollers and are being reviewed by an independent hearer topic to the demands of local jurisprudence v Org. reviews capital demands and establishes capital precedences yearly at least v Appropriate insurance coverage is available for all the possible hazards and other controls are available for extenuation of those hazards v 6.6. Administration Question Strongly hold Agree Disagree Strongly differ Functions of board and executive managers are clearly defined and executive managers are being delegated the overall direction and supervising of the company v Local applicable Torahs and rules are being adhered in carry oning board and stockholders run intoing along with continuance of director’s offices and elections, re-election, expiration and surrender v Board has formed commissions and sub-committees with clearly defined duties and governments v Newly fall ining board member are given a thorough orientation sing operations, organisation and duties of the managers v Attendance regulations for board meeting every bit adheres as per the applicable ordinances v Appropriate accomplishments and making exists within the Board v Nominations in the board should guarantee appropriate mix and diverseness in signifier of civilization, gender, making and ethnicity v Board is good cognizant of community and altering demands of the targeted community. v Board members attend organization’s plans and events v Board members use their other professional links to drive concern towards MottMacdonald v Board have appropriate cognition of industry in which MottMacdonald operates v Board sets the marks and ends for executive managers and direction squad and help them to accomplish that ends v All board members give a meaningful fiscal part to the organisation yearly v 6.7. Management Question Strongly hold Agree Disagree Strongly differ Attainable and accomplishable competitory ends are being set for the directors v Staff is being provided with uninterrupted support and preparation by the directors v Appropriate degree of managerial accomplishments exist for the directors and preparations are imparted to them as portion of occupation v Business is conducted by the directors in clear and concise affair v Directors work good as a squad v High degree direction works in such a manner that they have become a function theoretical account for their subsidiaries v High winner staff is being awarded by the direction and hapless public presentation are good addressed by the directors v A proper communicating and effectual coordination exists between the staff v 6.8. Human resources Question Strongly hold Agree Disagree Strongly differ Polices have been formulated for enlisting of employees and all procedures are good defined for the enlisting of best endowment v Hiring procedure is designed in such a manner that it attracts the major parts of the community v Human resources are managed by the well qualified persons who are clear about their duties v Human resources policy is in topographic point which covers all the facets of human resources in best suited mode v Best suited preparation program is in topographic point for staff and voluntaries every bit good v Staff is clearly cognizant of what benefits and allowances are available to them v Clear occupation descriptions of every staff member is available, updated and communicated to relevant staff and voluntary v Reporting lines are clear and defined and each employee is good cognizant of his coverage senior v Employee public presentations are being reviewed and documented after periodic intervals and at least yearly v Compensation to employees are being paid in conformity with the applicable ordinances and benefits are paid as per the jurisprudence v Local Torahs about minimal compensation are being adhered in the payments of all staff v Volunteers are being extremely appreciated and be appreciated in a respectful mode for their committednesss v Employees are being extremely appreciated and considered in sequence planning for higher degree places v How to cite A report on cultural audit of Mott Macdonald Group Limited, Essay examples
Friday, May 1, 2020
Supply Chain Management Changing Dynamics
Question: Define the Supply Chain Management for Changing Dynamics. Answer: 2: The changing dynamics which are related to the fashion industry have been able to force the retailers for the lower costs and the flexibility in the quality and the designs with the marketing speed and the key strategies. They need to work on the maintenance of the positions which are profitable for the increase in the demands of the consumer. The focus has been on the facing of the mass production with the increase in the number of the fashion seasons and the other modified structural characteristics in the supply chain which desire for a lower cost and the flexibility in the design, quality, demand, delivery and the marketing speed. (Bruce et al., 2004). The focus has been also on the marketing and the capital investment strategy which are identified through the driving competitiveness in the fashion apparel industry. The sense and the response are mainly the key strategy to handle the profitable position with the increasingly dynamic positions with the demanding market. The define d characteristics are based on the responsiveness with the greater flexibility and the maintenance of the close relationship in between the supplier and the buyer. Considering the use of the forecasting consumer demand and the other fashion trends, there is a need to work on competing in the market with the assurance that will lead to provide the development along with the fashion shows with the runways. The retailers need to be credited with the adoption policy of the quick and better fashion in the unplanned process in order to reduce the time gap in the designing and the consumption process. Considering the changing structure, there is a need to shape the industry using the Porter Five Forces which are: The competitive rivalry which is for examining the intense competition with the number of the existing competitors. The competition is high and needs to focus on the products and the services. At the time, when the rivalry competition has been higher, then the advertisement and the price wars are easily ensued. (Lee, 2002). The bargaining power of the suppliers where the force is about the power of how much the business supplier has and the way to control the price rise. There is a need for the switching of the cost firms in the industry with the supply purchase costs. The bargaining powers of the customers which have the power to handle the pricing and the quality. The threat of the new entrants with the absolute advantage of cost, input access, economic scale and the other recognised brands. The threat of the substitute products and the services are mainly to determine the ability for the lowering of the costs and working on the immediate and the long term inclination to change. (Maloni et al., 2006). 3: In the short life cycle, there have been spotting trends which quickly translate into the products in the time which is possible for the shortest period. The set structure has been pre-requisite for the success. The companies have been slower to the market which suffers in the ways where there has been a miss in the sales opportunities that does not repeat. The supplier needs to work on the products which is arriving in the marketing place with the demands starting to fall or lead to the markets of markdowns. The figure illustrates about the double jeopardy where the confrontation is based on handling the slow market system. The manufacturing is based on the flexibility and the batch size reduction which helps the organisation to work on reduction in the time-to-market. (Lummus et al., 1999). The usage of the automation process like the computer aided design and the computer aided manufacturing has set to the revolutionary process with the ability to make the changes in the product w ith the progress in the season or the life cycle. The markets of the fashion industry have been fuelled by the change where the trends are seen to be short lives and the consumers have the choice to keep with the demands of the consumer. The inexpensive price which adds to the social network have the power to dictate on the market structure. (Wathne et al., 2004). The business needs to work on the different fashion shifts with the trending look to focus on the shift of the attention from the time to market to the time to the consumer. The focus has been on the designing, production and holding the consumer closets. There have been growing interests in the design with the implementation of the agile supply chain strategies. The ideas of the agility are set to focus on responsiveness with the conventional supply chain. This has a longer leading time with the forecast driven necessity. There have been shortage of the supply chain management and need to look for the demand driven needs and requirements. The focus has been on holding the applications which are inventory based. The fashion markets are seen to be volatile and difficult for the production where the specific patterns are market sensitivity with the close connections to the end-user trends and the virtual shared information for the supply chain partners. (Lee et al., 1997). The network based patterns focus on gaining the strengths of the specialist players with the process aligned to the higher degree of process interconnectivity. With the increase in the supply chain management the power has been shifted and to focus on the suppliers, m anufacturer to the brand owners and the retailers. The focus has been where the consumers realised about the price drop or waited for the time which has less ordering. 4: With the change customer preferences in the apparel industry, there is a need to focus on the purchase and the needs or the wants of the people. This can be viewed as holding the management of the trade-offs in between the variety benefits and the inventory with the other costs which has been changing from the increase in variety. The change in the category of the apparel has been set by the attributes like the colour, style or the size where there is a detailed modelling for investigating the effects on the performance of the supply chain. The system dynamics with the simulation will help in addressing the long term and the dynamic management issues. (Lummus et al., 2001). The change in the variety of the products completely affect the departments with the increase in the varied style, size and the packaging functions. (Gereffi, 1999). The increasing variety has been set on the logistics operations and the costs which has a net impact on the supply chain performance and the developm ent. The major focus has been on handling the performance with the effect of the product variety when the leading time is ignored completely. The analysis is based on the recognition of the leading time variety trade-off with the demonstration to handle the leading company offers. (Lee et al., 1997). Considering the trade-offs in the regard of the sourcing countries and the quality, there have been set patterns which include that the companies need to focus on the supply chain management with the increased globalised competition. The risk management has been important as it allows for the balancing of the trade-offs and the sourcing with the lower cost countries. The renewed focus has been on handling the profit of the size sigma to control the quality with the balancing of the costs and the other productivity metrics. The suppliers need to work on the environmental factors and other regulatory compliance for the operational metrics. (Christopher et al., 2004). The structure has been set to manage the supply network with the quality and reliability and sustainability to revaluate the supply network strategy in order to reflect on the cost of the business. The main characteristics of the model include the employed raw materials with the manufacturing that has been done through the periodic review policy. The mark-on for the products is selected in the way which depends the final pricing in the retailer level. (Metters, 1997). There have been fashionable markets which include the short life cycles, high volatility, and lower predictability with the higher impulse purchasing. Reference Bruce, M., Daly, L., Towers, N. (2004). Lean or agile: a solution for supply chain management in the textiles and clothing industry?.International journal of operations production management,24(2), 151-170. Lee, H. L. (2002). Aligning supply chain strategies with product uncertainties.California management review,44(3), 105-119. Maloni, M. J., Brown, M. E. (2006). Corporate social responsibility in the supply chain: an application in the food industry.Journal of business ethics,68(1), 35-52. Wathne, K. H., Heide, J. B. (2004). Relationship governance in a supply chain network.Journal of marketing,68(1), 73-89. Lummus, R. R., Vokurka, R. J. (1999). Defining supply chain management: a historical perspective and practical guidelines.Industrial Management Data Systems,99(1), 11-17. Lee, H. L., Padmanabhan, V., Whang, S. (1997). Information distortion in a supply chain: The bullwhip effect.Management science,43(4), 546-558. Lummus, R. R., Krumwiede, D. W., Vokurka, R. J. (2001). The relationship of logistics to supply chain management: developing a common industry definition.Industrial Management Data Systems,101(8), 426-432. Christopher, M., Lee, H. (2004). Mitigating supply chain risk through improved confidence.International journal of physical distribution logistics management,34(5), 388-396. Gereffi, G. (1999). International trade and industrial upgrading in the apparel commodity chain.Journal of international economics,48(1), 37-70. Metters, R. (1997). Quantifying the bullwhip effect in supply chains.Journal of operations management,15(2), 89-100. Lee, H. L., Padmanabhan, V., Whang, S. (1997). Information distortion in a supply chain: The bullwhip effect.Management science,43(4), 546-558.
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