Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Should teens be convicted for their crimes essays
Should teens be convicted for their crimes essays Should teens be convicted for their crimes? It is fair that: incest, rape, slaughter, child elderly abuse or any form of immoral and dishonest human manifestation goes without some sort of punishment? My frank and blameless answer is no. No! There is no path or decision that could redeem the actions of a person that takes away a life. However, some people still believe that redemption is a responsible path to change the harmful criminals mind; that they can convert themselves into good persons of society. To those who believe that such repentance is sufficient, just think about this example: A given criminal savagely raped your seven-year-old daughter while she innocently played on her best friends house. The criminal is only sixteen years old, and after abusing your kid, he claims impunity and ask for the pardon of the law, society and God. In the end, he asks for your mercy and forgiveness. Taking that case in account, should anyone have the courage to say that a criminals retribution for such a crime is adequate? Then: Thus the fact that he is underage or a minor is a reasonable excuse for the crime; and therefore he shouldnt be punished? My answer is, No! No, I strongly disagree with a possible redemption for such a crime. Using my common sense, there was not even the doubt in my mind that a criminal is obligated to pay the price for his actions no matter the time or circumstances in which he committed the crime. Having this on standpoint, theres not even the least chance that a person can escape unpunished once he committed a crime. In the worst case, if the person that committed the transgression is, by any chance, a minor, if he was old enough to do it, he should be old enough to pay the price that establish such action. If a trigger is pulled, a jail bar should be placed immediately following. Its obvious, when he pulled the trigger, on purpose, wasnt he conscious that the chan...
Friday, November 22, 2019
The Chemical and Physical Properties of Lithium, or Li
The Chemical and Physical Properties of Lithium, or Li Lithium is the first metal you encounter on the periodic table. Here are important facts about this element. Lithium Basic Facts Atomic Number: 3Symbol: LiAtomic Weight: [6.938; 6.997]Reference: IUPAC 2009Discovery: 1817, Arfvedson (Sweden)Electron Configuration: [He]2s1Word Origin Greek: lithos, stoneElement Classification: Alkali Metal Lithium Properties Lithium has a melting point of 180.54 C, a boiling point of 1342 C, a specific gravity of 0.534 (20 C), and a valence of 1. It is the lightest of the metals, with a density approximately half that of water. Under ordinary conditions, lithium is the least dense of the solid elements. It has the highest specific heat of any solid element. Metallic lithium is silvery in appearance. It reacts with water, but not as vigorously as does sodium. Lithium imparts a crimson color to flame, although the metal itself burns a bright white. Lithium is corrosive and requires special handling. Elemental lithium is extremely flammable. Lithium Uses Lithium is used in heat transfer applications. It is used as an alloying agent, in synthesizing organic compounds, and is added to glasses and ceramics. Its high electrochemical potential makes it useful for battery anodes. Lithium chloride and lithium bromide are highly hygroscopic, so they are used as drying agents. Lithium stearate is used as a high-temperature lubricant. Lithium has medical applications as well. Lithium Sources Lithium does not occur free in nature. It is found in small amounts in practically all igneous rocks and in the waters of mineral springs. The minerals that contain lithium include lepidolite, petalite, amblygonite, and spodumene. Lithium metal is produced electrolytically from the fused chloride. Lithium Physical Data Density (g/cc): 0.534Appearance: soft, silvery-white metalIsotopes: 8 isotopes [Li-4 to Li-11]. Li-6 (7.59% abundance) and Li-7 (92.41% abundance) are both stable.Atomic Radius (pm): 155Atomic Volume (cc/mol): 13.1Covalent Radius (pm): 163Ionic Radius: 68 (1e)Specific Heat (20 °C J/g mol): 3.489Fusion Heat (kJ/mol): 2.89Evaporation Heat (kJ/mol): 148Debye Temperature ( °K): 400.00Pauling Negativity Number: 0.98First Ionizing Energy (kJ/mol): 519.9Oxidation States: 1Lattice Structure: Body-Centered CubicLattice Constant (Ã…): 3.490Magnetic Ordering: paramagneticElectrical Resistivity (20 °C): 92.8 nÃŽ ©Ã‚ ·mThermal Conductivity (300 K): 84.8 W ·m−1 ·K−1Thermal Expansion (25 °C): 46  µm ·m−1 ·K−1Speed of Sound (thin rod) (20 °C): 6000 m/sYoungs Modulus: 4.9 GPaShear Modulus: 4.2 GPaBulk Modulus: 11 GPaMohs Hardness: 0.6CAS Registry Number: 7439-93-2 Lithium Trivia Lithium is used extensively in rechargeable battery technology.Lithium is the only alkali metal that reacts with nitrogen.Lithium burns red in a flame test.Lithium was first discovered in the mineral petalite (LiAlSi4O10).Lithium is used to create the hydrogen isotope tritium through bombardment of neutrons. Sources Los Alamos National Laboratory (2001)IUPAC 2009Crescent Chemical Company (2001)Langes Handbook of Chemistry (1952)
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Current Macroeconomic Situation in the USA Essay
Current Macroeconomic Situation in the USA - Essay Example The currency has not changed much in comparison to the Yen (OECD Publishing, 2012). The economic meltdown of 2008 greatly affected the prospects of the US economy and still hangs over the current economic situation. As a result, the current macroeconomic situation appropriately echoes the 2008 economic crisis in a highly significant manner. First is the aspect of slow growth where the American economy has been lethargic ever since the economy collapsed in 2008. Slow economic growth is currently prevailing in the United States, and economic development is occurring at a dawdling pace. It is estimated that the economy will grow at the rate of 2% through 2014. This is an indication that the economy will take more time to recover fully. Other predicaments affecting the economy of the United States include unemployment, inflation, and recession. Unemployment is at a very high level and is mainly caused by slow growth of the economy. As the economy takes more time to grow there are very fe w opportunities for employment, making it difficult to end the current problem of unemployment. Inflation is also a major problem affecting the US economy, which involves the incessant rise of prices of commodities. Inflation has partly been contributed by the current spate of economic stimulus programs, which have pumped a lot of funds into the economy with the aim of stimulating growth and creating job opportunities. Is the U.S. economy currently concerned about unemployment, inflation, and recession? The US economy is presently concerned about unemployment, inflation, and recession. These have been the principal factors affecting the economy ever since the 2008 economic meltdown (Leboeuf, 2012). The administration has injected trillions of money into the economy to stop the recession. There has been debate over the effectiveness of this strategy as to whether it will create inflation. At this position in time, America is experiencing age of "severity" an era of recession worst fr om the time of the "immense depression." In essence, recession is nastiest than inflation during this point of economy. Inflation and greed is an excellent thing for the economy to generate jobs to progress the economy when the economy is in a slump. Mr. Friedman counsel has stood the experiment of time with numerous Presidents inquiring about suggestions from him. America requires some type of "inflation" to provide the economy the thrust it need at this instance, certain the interest rates are low down, but Americans do not have the required assurance to either endow or spend to provide the economy the further it needs. America requires assurance at this time to twist the economy around. Americans as well need employments maybe the imminent election will modify the image we have at this occasion, numerous people are hoping. The US economy is primarily concerned about unemployment, which is a serious headache in the United States today. Slow economic growth is the chief reason for high unemployment cases. The US economic development has been very sluggish right from 2008 when the economy slipped. Job creation has been remarkably low in the United States creating a large population of individuals without jobs. Apart from concern over unemployment, the US economy is equally apprehensive about recession and inflation which as well have exerted a lot of pressure on the economy of
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Auditing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 1
Auditing - Essay Example Later in the year 1999, she was promoted to the post of Vice President in the department of internal audit. However, when the telecom market got saturated the profitability of the company began declining. Cynthia in the year 2002 discovered that the company used illegal practices to manipulate its accounts. It was observed that although the company suffered loss, the balance sheet showed that the company was attaining significant profit. Cynthia thus decided to carry out a secretive investigation on the fraud practices exercised by the company which then resulted to the termination of the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Scott Sullivan. In spite of her effort to unveil the illegal accounting practices exercised by the company, she was considered as a major suspect in the federal investigation. Based on the above presented case scenario, this study intends to describe the key criteria for functioning of an effective whistle blower in the corporate level. It also discusses about the polic ies framed by the regulatory bodies to prevent the illegal accounting practices. The term whistle-blower is allocated to a person within an organisation who is engaged in the disclosure of fraudulent and illegal practices executed by employers within the organisation to other organisations or a person who are eligible to take actions for curbing such malpractice (Beller, n.d.). Concerning with case provided, Cynthia Cooper was the whistle-blower who unveiled the fraudulent practices carried in the WorldCom. Almost all organisations are widely concerned about management and employee related fraud. It is thus very important to establish a corporate whistle-blower hotline which ensures effective operation in organisations. The main objective of this hotline should be to detect wrongful accounting practices and avoid future potential illegal practices in organisations. Thus to ensure that the whistle blower hotline is
Saturday, November 16, 2019
The stranger commentary Essay Example for Free
The stranger commentary Essay To get to the visiting room I went down a long corridor, then down some stairs and, finally, another corridor. I walked into a very large room brightened by a huge bay window. The room was divided into three sections by two large grates that ran the length of the room. Between the two grates was a space of eight to ten meters, which separated the visitors from the prisoners. I spotted Marie standing at the opposite end of the room with her striped dress and her sun-tanned face. On my side of the room there were about ten prisoners, most of then Arabs. Marie was surrounded by Moorish women and found herself between two visitors: a little, thin-lipped old woman dressed in black and a fat, bare headed woman who was talking at the top of her voice and making lots of gestures. Because of the distance between the grates, the visitors and the prisoners were forced to speak very loud. When I walked in, the sound of the voices echoing off the rooms high, bare walls and the harsh light pouring out of the sky onto the windows and spilling into the room brought on a kind of dizziness. My cell was quieter and darker. It took me a few seconds to adjust. But eventually I could see each face clearly, distinctly in the bright light. I noticed there was a guard sitting at the far end of the passage between the two grates. The lines 73-74 of the book The Stranger written by Albert Camus, it talks about Merusault indifference and his perception towards life. Through the successful use of syntax, imagery and tone, Albert Camus created an atmosphere of indifference while putting the reader in the protagonists shoes. Syntax is a key literary device used throughout the book, especially in lines 73-74. All Merusault narration varies in a way that reflects his attitudes toward the world around him. When describing his social or emotional situations, his sentences are short, precise, and offer minimal detail. For example Most of the Arab prisoners and their families had squatted down facing each other. They werent shouting. In this scene, Marie visits Merusault in the jail and relatives or friends visit other jail mates. Merusault tells only the essentials of what he sees and rarely uses any literary devices. His focus of attention is not on Marie but rather on the environment and surroundings. These meager descriptions display Merusault indifference to society and to the people around him. Like the vigil that he attended earlier in the story, he doesnt feel happy or sad when a person close to him passes away or visits during a time of dismay- hes indifferent. Another example is A little, thin-lipped old woman dressed in black and a fat, bareheaded woman who was talking at the top of her voice and making lots of gestures. This is viewed from a different perspective where his longer descriptive sentences are about others rather than himself. Although he saw Marie, he described the commotion around him and even what the people were wearing rather than detailing commenting about the beauty of Marie or even the way she dressed. This further shows that Merusault attitude towards the world is by far stronger than his attitude towards the people close to him. Imagery is perhaps the second key literary devices used in lines 73-74. By having Merusault narrate the story, it allows the reader to see and feel the way he feels. Furthermore, by describing what he sees enhances our understanding about his character and how he perceives things. For example To get to the visiting room I went down a long corridor, then down some stairs and, finally, another corridor. I walked into a very large room brightened by a huge bay window. In this excerpt, Merusault was told that Marie was there to visit him. On his way down to the visitors room, we can see that he was busy observing the objects around him rather than reminiscing about his past with Marie. This reveals another aspect about his character; he accepts the world as it is because he knows that nothing is dynamic enough to change the world. Seeing Marie would not revert his to-be-execution or world it get him out of jail. Although we may see this a negative aspect of Merusault, it does in a way benefit him. He has proven that he doesnt live a life of illusions but rather a life that is true to him. Another literary device that is powerfully used in this passage is tone. Tone is used in this passage For example My cell was quieter and darker. It took me a few seconds to adjust. But eventually I could see each face clearly, distinctly in the bright light. I noticed there was a guard sitting at the far end of the passage between the two grates. The tone of Merusault in this excerpt is mellow, calm and relaxed. This is rather ironic because someone who has been spending much time with him was there to visit and yet his tone wasnt joyful or anything. He should be exuberant that shes here to visit him but his tone shows otherwise. This reveals more about his character and how hes more or less emotionless. In conclusion, through the use of syntax, imagery and tone, Albert Camus has successfully described the protagonists indifference towards the people and the world.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Struggle in The River Between Essay -- River Between Essays
Struggle in The River Between  In the book "The River Between" we find traditional values of the tribe challenged by tribal members who had converted to Christianity. The novel focuses on the struggle between two conflicting interests: First there was the interest to convert Africans to Christianity, and the second was the tribe trying to keep their traditional values in the midst of Christianity. The most contrasting characters in the story were Waiyaki and Joshua. Waiyaki was a strong influence on the people of the land, and his father, Chege, was a man who had powerful visions of his son's future: "Salvation shall come from the hills ... Arise. Heed the prophecy" (Pg. 20). Waiyaki’s father put the burden of this prophecy on his son's shoulders. The realization of his role in this prophecy happened to Waiyaki in the end of the novel: " ... the journey with his father, the ancient prophecy and his bewilderment at its meaning" (Pg. 138). "Now he knew what he would preach if he ever got another chance: Education for unity. Unity for political freedom" (Pg. 143). Chege told Waiyaki to learn from the white people, but not to become involved in their vices: "Learn all the wisdom and all the secrets of the white man. But do not follow his vices" (Pg. 20). Waiyaki began to learn that knowledge and learning was important in order for his people to become victorious over the invasion of the white man. Waiyaki also understood that the traditions o f the tribe is what kept their people together, it was their roots: "Circumcision was an important ritual to the tribe. It kept people together, bound the tribe ... End the custom and the spiritual basis of the tribes cohesion and integration would be no more" (Pg. 68). And even tho... ...ormed, so the Western revolutions in both religion and government were gladly accepted by the Western cultures. But the Western invaders never realized how old these civilizations were that they were intruding upon, and they never realized that African, Chinese, or American Indian's cultures were thousands of years old. Western cultures have impacted many countries, such as India, for when the ancient invaders came to the land, such as the Aryans, eastern Indians accepted some of their beliefs, and they were even integrated into Indian society. But when modern Western cultures came into contact with India, particularly the British, they eventually took over the government and made the Indians second rate citizens. And until the 20th century India was under their control. So Western cultures have definitely had an influencing impact on other cultures.   Struggle in The River Between Essay -- River Between Essays Struggle in The River Between  In the book "The River Between" we find traditional values of the tribe challenged by tribal members who had converted to Christianity. The novel focuses on the struggle between two conflicting interests: First there was the interest to convert Africans to Christianity, and the second was the tribe trying to keep their traditional values in the midst of Christianity. The most contrasting characters in the story were Waiyaki and Joshua. Waiyaki was a strong influence on the people of the land, and his father, Chege, was a man who had powerful visions of his son's future: "Salvation shall come from the hills ... Arise. Heed the prophecy" (Pg. 20). Waiyaki’s father put the burden of this prophecy on his son's shoulders. The realization of his role in this prophecy happened to Waiyaki in the end of the novel: " ... the journey with his father, the ancient prophecy and his bewilderment at its meaning" (Pg. 138). "Now he knew what he would preach if he ever got another chance: Education for unity. Unity for political freedom" (Pg. 143). Chege told Waiyaki to learn from the white people, but not to become involved in their vices: "Learn all the wisdom and all the secrets of the white man. But do not follow his vices" (Pg. 20). Waiyaki began to learn that knowledge and learning was important in order for his people to become victorious over the invasion of the white man. Waiyaki also understood that the traditions o f the tribe is what kept their people together, it was their roots: "Circumcision was an important ritual to the tribe. It kept people together, bound the tribe ... End the custom and the spiritual basis of the tribes cohesion and integration would be no more" (Pg. 68). And even tho... ...ormed, so the Western revolutions in both religion and government were gladly accepted by the Western cultures. But the Western invaders never realized how old these civilizations were that they were intruding upon, and they never realized that African, Chinese, or American Indian's cultures were thousands of years old. Western cultures have impacted many countries, such as India, for when the ancient invaders came to the land, such as the Aryans, eastern Indians accepted some of their beliefs, and they were even integrated into Indian society. But when modern Western cultures came into contact with India, particularly the British, they eventually took over the government and made the Indians second rate citizens. And until the 20th century India was under their control. So Western cultures have definitely had an influencing impact on other cultures.  Â
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Enlightened and Romntic Views of God
Essay I During the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries in Europe, change was always constant, and two different movements that were brought about by this change were the Enlightenment and the Romantic movements. These two different schools of thought had both things in common as well as differing opinions. An example of how this is applied is when the matter of God and religion is discussed.These two different views encompass a lot of similarities with regards to theological matters, but the main difference between the Enlightened and Romantic views of God is that Enlightenment does not put as much focus and emphasis on such matters as Romantic thinking does. The Enlightenment era was brought about during the time of scientific inquisition and governmental criticism. During this time, philosophers were writing sociological doctrines about how man is best governed, and scientists were pushing the boundaries and frontiers of their respective fields even farther.During this time, which also included such events as the French Revolution, religious affairs took a back seat to issues that were of a secular nature. As opposed to times before, where religious persecution was encouraged, thinkers of the Enlightenment period highly promoted religious toleration, and it was a more common policy during the Enlightenment than any time before that. There was a higher abundance of different religions and denominations because religion was not seen as imperative as it was before because there were many new things to learn that did not involve the church.One similarity between romanticism and the enlightenment is that each movement held an unconventional way of seeing God. Each movement valued an individual relationship with God, rather than the conventional way of congregationalism. Each movement was disdainful towards formal church groupings and the imposition of religious doctrines upon the individual. The Romantic Movement was similar to the Enlightenment in several ways. T hey were both influential events that were quite impactful, and they stressed unconventional methodology.These movements differed as well, and a main difference was that the enlightenment emphasized things that were within rationality, reason, and could be proved. Romanticism tended not to focus on such things, because it investigated the realms of human emotion, while the enlightenment was based on intellectual and logical principles. Hence, Romanticism held more of an interest of the relationship between God and the individual, because it had a lot to do with human emotion and things that were considered to be beyond human comprehension and reason.The enlightenment shied away from religious topics in order to focus on such fields as science and government. The Enlightenment and Romanticism both held things in common as well as significantly differed. The enlightened mind was more inclined to think about science, and the romantic mind was more prone to theological thoughts. Each we re similar in the fact that they believed in the individual discovering the truth about God rather than blindly listening to a group’s opinion. In general, each movement saw God in a similar way with different details.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Deloitte & Touche
Definition of Problem: The problem faced by Deloitte & Touche is how to best manage the merger with Andersen in order to move beyond being two merged organizations into a unified, market-leading organization. Deloitte must minimize the negative effects the change will have on the productivity of the organization and they must have a focus on minimizing the effects on current clients. It is important for Deloitte to create one corporate culture and focus on creating a cohesive team out of a currently divided workforce if they want the new company to be successful. Deloitte must make the Andersen employees feel welcomed and valued by the company while ensuring that their current employees don't feel swept aside. Causes: Some causes of Deloitte's problems include: †¢ Employee fear of change – People naturally have a fear of change. Deloitte's people will naturally feel threatened by the influx of new, unfamiliar people to the organization, particularly as they are coming from an organization that was heralded as being the best in the industry. It is important for Deloitte to properly manage these fears. Difficulty of maintaining corporate culture – Any company that increases their workforce through a merger with a rival firm feels a threat to their corporate culture. It is important for firms to determine before a merger whether the corporate cultures fit together. Two firms cannot merge and adopt one culture, the resulting culture must be a blend of the two cultures. †¢ Inadequacies in communication – The merger w as completed very quickly (in less than 2 months) and as a result the merger was communicated very quickly to employees. HR is responsible for communicating current policies to new and old employees. There has been very little upward communication until the Pulse Surveys and Deloitte employees are feeling like they are being lost in the shuffle. †¢ Lack of team building – The four phases of team building are forming, norming, storming, performing. All teams will go through this cycle in one way or another. Deloitte must recognize this and help the team through the forming, norming and storming phases in a way that will have the least negative impact on the company, so the team can get to the performing stage quickly. The consequences of failing to do this are that clients from Andersen will change to another firm and clients from Deloitte may feel neglected and will leave the firm for that reason. †¢ Fears of past business practices – Andersen was involved in the Enron scandal and as a result, individuals from the US branch were criminally indicted. The Andersen brand was destroyed and Deloitte management have a fear that the fallout may affect Deloitte since the Andersen professionals are now members of the Deloitte organization. It is important for the new Deloitte to clearly distance themselves from the Enron scandal and the fallout from that scandal. Strategic Issues 1. Hasty Integration – Deloitte people feel, through the pulse survey, that management is in a haste to integrate and is forgetting about their own people 2. Tension – Deloitte Touche is not sure how to manage tensions that might arise between the two cultures while integrating. 3. No defined direction – There is no defined direction that the integration management is attempting to incorporate the two very different cultures. Developed Alternatives Gathering feedback on a more personal level – Instead of using the pulse survey to gather feedback, Deloitte could possibly do something on a more personal level. The employees need to have a clear sense of where they fall in the big picture and where they are heading. This allows them to feel they are apart of the great change and consequently will devote themselves wholeheartedly. Examples can include asking lower level managers to have brief meetings with a group of employees voicing concerns and questions. Lower level managers can take notes and submit them to the integration team. Once the team has determined that creating happy employees is important on a personal level thus helping them to overcome the fear of change, and they have formulated the vision for the merging they can develop specific systems that will support, empower and inspire the employees and ensure they are willing to support the change to the best of their ability Mentorship – Mentoring is a valuable option for positively influencing the employees’ commitment because it sends a message that Deloitte & Touche is interested in career growth and development of their employees; these employees can make valuable contributions and facilitate a smooth integration. Assigning a mentor to counsel/tutor employees about the need for change, the change process, ways of adapting or adjusting to the change will help them get a better understanding of the reasons for the integration and allow them to have a more vested interest in the success of the organization. Forcing employees to quickly accept the new emerging culture immediately definitely won’t deter the tensions. This transition must take place at a slow process so employees do not feel pushed and overwhelmed into accepting the new practices and rules. It will be difficult to transform their fears and attitude in favor of the intended change until the underlying motives are understood. Seminars and Workshops – These seminars and workshops will be for both management and employees; management first, to accumulate the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities for leading the change process. These skills and techniques will be used to guide employees to quickly adapt to the change. This will allow the entire organization to adjust faster and become more flexible. Instead of using an integration team, a certain set of managers can be the head of definite departments, groups, locations, and divisions. These managers must act more like coaches and will express the benefits and rewards of merging the two companies. Consequently, a review will then be conducted to get feedback on how the whole integration process is going. Assuming there is a positive feedback, management will slowly incorporate both cultures into one, while not rushing the process or ignoring what employees concerns are. Evaluate Alternative The alternative that would be the best fit Deloitte & Touche is to have a mentor to solve the current situation. Mentor is better than other two alternatives simply because mentoring is kind of a personal enhancement strategy through which employees facilitates the development of another by sharing known resources, expertise, culture, values and skills. By paring up with Andersen employees, mentor can develop employees while helping them make a greater contribution to the new organization, and help them to become more productive in his or her current position. Deloitte & Touche not only can increase employee’s morale, but also can increase organizational productivity and build up employee’s skill and knowledge while attaining goals for career development. Mentoring is about the qualitative and subjective of employees’ job which dealing with frustration, handing conflict, and behaving with humility. Mentoring can involve an exchange of knowledge and information that can be evaluative nature to assess the assimilation of the new employee in his or her new role. It can help the new employee quickly come up to speed and shorter the learning curve as a contributor within the organization. It is important to make sure employees do not feel to be pushed and forced. Employee’s understanding of motives is the fundamental requirement to have a successful organizational merger. Implementation Phase one Deloitte has to develop a mentorship team and mentorship program for new and old Deloitte employees. A mentorship team will need time to conduct research and develop new practices. This team should be formed and trained and be ready to mentor within six months. Phase two Deliotte must allocate the necessary resources to the mentorship team and program. These resources include not only financial but personnel as well. This will be done right away. Phase three Within the first year Deloitte has to develop a new corporate culture that integrates the best practices and policies from both Anderson and Deliotte. The Mentorship team has to have a concrete culture to implement in order to be successful. Phase four Deloitte must implement a proper evaluation plan to determine if the mentorship program is working. The team can take surveys and other types of qualitative measures to determine how well the mentorship is working. The evaluation can begin after the first year and continue until the end of the program.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Studying Religion from an Academic Perspective
Studying Religion from an Academic Perspective Introduction Religion from ancient times has been handled as a very sacred issue, which people were meant to talk about with a lot of holiness. It is this idea that for long made religious studies almost a taboo in the society, because people looked at religion as a medium of communication with God, who was not supposed to be a subject of discussion.Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on Studying Religion from an Academic Perspective specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Additionally, it was believed that academic study was a secular issue whereas religion was considered to be sacred, and the two were not supposed to be integrated. Due to this view, religion was until recently not given the academic approach. This paper seeks to highlight why religious studies should be given an academic view, in the quest to understand how it regulates people’s acts in the society. Religious Study and Life The beginning of life is a mystery that has for long been a subject of debate, upon which several explanations have been put forward in trying to unravel it (Deal Beal, 2004). Religion is one of those aspects that try to solve this puzzle, by providing an explanation of how the world and all that is in it was created. Religion also tries to view life from various perspectives, and give possible solutions to some difficult situations which pose problems to most people. It is important to note that religion is so much entangled with life, that it is not practically possible to separate the two. Ways of Studying Religion For one to know more about religion, some methodologies need to be applied in the collection and analysis of data. The modes of study applied here are the same as those applied in other disciplines, and they require one to be an academician in order to be able to adequately employ them (Saliba, 2003). Religious Studies and Other Disciplines Religious studies share a lot of doctrines with othe r academic disciplines, which have enhanced the understanding of religion. Religion explains how people should live in the society, and what they should and should not do, sharing the same approach with sociology which studies people and their behavior in society.Advertising Looking for assessment on religion theology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Religion has also been found to play a greater role in resource allocation, especially in poor communities as it helps people cope with the little they get, thereby solving the problem of economics which seeks to address the issue of resource distribution. Additionally, religion seeks to explain the origin of man and life, while history uses another perspective in solving the same problem of when and how life began (Skele, 2003). Psychology and Philosophy have also been found to share links and ideas with religion, in the way they approach human behavior. Criticism on R eligious Studies Those who criticize religious studies have argued that, religion requires one to observe high moral standards, but students who study religion usually do not practice the teachings of religion, thereby violating the very basic principles of religious studies (Rodriguez Harding, 2009). Some have also claimed that religion as a subject lacks sufficient clout, to be included in school curriculums, since it lacks basic elements of academic subjects, which include freedom to criticize its principles. Conclusion Religion touches our day to day life, and to a certain extent moulds the way most people behave and think. It is related to other academic disciplines, and they all seem to be addressing same issues. Seemingly, there is a need for students and religion enthusiasts, to apply the same level of professionalism in its study and application, as done in other disciplines. Most of the methodologies used in studying social sciences, are equally applicable to religion, an d should be practiced to give religious studies an academic outlook. References Deal, E., W., Beal, K. T. (2004). Theory for Religious Studies. New York: Routledge.Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on Studying Religion from an Academic Perspective specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Rodriguez, H., Harding, S., J. (2009). Introduction to Study of Religion. New York: Routledge. Saliba, A., J. (2003). Understanding New Religious Movements. Walnut Creek: Rowan Littlefield Publishers. Skele, G., (2009). Religious Diversity and Education: Nordic Perspectives, Munster: Waxmann Verlag.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
The Difference Between Sea Lions and Seals
The Difference Between Sea Lions and Seals The term seal is often used to refer to both seals and sea lions, but there are several characteristics that set seals and sea lions apart. Below you can learn about the differences that set seals and sea lions. Seals, sea lions, and walruses are all in the order Carnivora and suborder Pinnipedia, thus they are called â€Å"pinnipeds.†Pinnipeds are mammals that are well-adapted for swimming. They usually have a streamlined barrel shape and four flippers at the end of each limb. As mammals, they also give birth to live young and nurse their young. Pinnipeds are insulated with blubber and fur. Pinniped Families There are three families of pinnipeds: the Phocidae, the earless or true seals; the Otariidae, the eared seals, and the Odobenidae, the walrus. This article focuses on the difference between the earless seals (seals) and the eared seals (sea lions). Characteristics of Phocidae (Earless or True Seals) Earless seals have no visible ear flaps, although they still have ears, which may be visible as a dark spot or small hole on the side of their head. True seals: Have no external ear flaps.Swim with their hind flippers. Their hind flippers always face backward and are furred.Have front flippers that are short, furry and stubby in appearance.Have two or four teats.Can be found in both marine and freshwater environments. Examples of earless (true) seals: Harbor (common) seal (Phoca vitulina), grey seal (Halichoerus grypus), hooded seal (Cystophora cristata), harp seal (Phoca groenlandica), elephant seal (Mirounga leonina), and monk seal (Monachus schauinslandi). Characteristics ofOtariidae (Eared Seals, Including Fur Seals and Sea Lions) One of the most noticeable features of eared seals is their ears, but they also move around differently than true seals. Eared seals: Have external ear flaps.Have four teats.Are only found in marine environments. Swim with their front flippers. Unlike earless seals, their hind flippers can turn forward, and they are better able to walk, and even run, on their flippers. The seals you may see performing at marine parks are often sea lions.May congregate in larger groups than true seals. Sea lions are much more vocal than true seals, and make a variety of loud, barking noises. Examples of eared seals: Steller’s sea lion (​Eumetopias jubatus), California sea lion (Zalophus californianus), and Northern fur seal (Callorhinus ursinus). Characteristics of Walruses Wondering about walruses, and how they differ from seals and sea lions? Walruses are pinnipeds, but they are in the family, Odobenidae. One obvious difference between walruses, seals and sea lions is that walruses are the only pinnipeds with tusks. These tusks are present in both males and females. Other than tusks, walruses have some similarities to both seals and sea lions. Like true seals, walruses dont have visible ear flaps. But, like eared seals, walruses can walk on their flippers by rotating their hind flippers under their body. References and Further Information Berta, A. Pinnipedia, Overview. In Perrin, W.F., Wursig, B. and J.G.M. Thewissen. Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals. Academic Press. p. 903-911. NOAA National Ocean Service. Whats the Difference Between Seals and Sea Lions?. Accessed September 29, 2015. NOAA Office of Protected Resources. 2008. †Pinnipeds: Seals, Sea Lions (Online). NOAA. Retrieved November 23, 2008.and Walruses†Waller, Geoffrey, ed. 1996. SeaLife: A Complete Guide to the Marine Environment. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
IT managment Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
IT managment - Case Study Example Consumer goods for such markets are transportation, construction, packaging, electricity, machinery, engineering and other equipments. The company does not fall under the category of â€Å"product/ service differentiator†, â€Å"responsible solution provider†or â€Å"new capability enabler.†At Alcan, the current organizing model is decentralized. Every business group competes independently having its own strategic IT plan, infrastructure choices, IT application and services, and each group has its own IT organization, which pursues its objectives which are based on group’s need and orientation (Hoving & van Bon, 2008). The group’s activities are diversified and over the years, the culture of autonomy has been reinforced by mergers and acquisitions. The expense on IT is between $275 to $300 million (Dube, Bernier and Roy, 2009), which includes the cost of consulting, the cost of fragmented systems, infrastructure and resources. The IT costs are documented at several levels- at the local level and within the same business group. As the IT human resource does not report to the same IT unit, the results come in a wide range of methods, and certain operating expenses are not recorded as IT expenses. No overall architecture existed in the company for IT applications. The supply strategies were used for project delivery, application management and there was no consolidated overview for the needs and requests as the competencies of groups were not aligned with the current projects. Moreover, there was no option but to opt for outside expertise. The IT management architecture was highly complex, diversified and fragmented. There were over 1000 information systems and more than 400 handled financial data. The information system was made up of 60 resources distributed in 5 different cities. The first was SAP oriented, which focused on the needs of former Pechiney, and there were
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